I have been listening to the debate over health care and learned today that one of the bigger issues not being addressed is the current shortage of Primary Care Physicians. It seems that fewer physicians are choosing primary care because of the lower income, higher cost of education and high cost of being in business. The prediction for the future is that there will be even fewer primary care physicians to handle the load of adding another 30 million patients to an already stressed work load. It would appear, at this point, that longer waits to receive primary care are going to happen regardless of what transpires with the current health care plan that is being voted on.
Another thing that needs to be addressed is the fact that medical records are going to be electronic in some fashion or another. I have looked at a few of the programs out there and they take a while to learn, but more important is that they do not effectively communicate with each other. However, I think the solution may be easier than some people think. No matter what type of report a physician does it can always be converted to a word document or even a PDF if necessary. In this way, these programs should be able to at least share information. Having said that, is it really necessary to spend thousands of dollars on software that will most likely provide and underpaid primary care physician more than he/she will ever need, or is there a more reasonable way to achieve the same goal of having portable medical records? Yes there is one such company and it is the one I represent, A-1 Medical Transcription, http://www.aonemt.com. We can provide inexpensive transcription service and also put your patient’s records online in a secure environment. So, if you are a primary care physician reading this, take a moment to look into what we have to offer and you may be surprised at how reasonable we are.